

The TinySPARQL library offers a complete RDF triplestore with SPARQL 1.1 interface and a minimal footprint. It allows creating local databases in memory or the filesystem, and accessing/creating endpoints for federated queries.

This library is implemented in C, but can be used from many languages through GObject introspection. The database engine is implemented on top of SQLite and is optimized for desktop, embedded and mobile usecases.

Along with the library, there is also a set of commandline utilities that expose most of the functionality offered by the library API.

See the available documentation.


TinySPARQL is a free software project developed in the open by volunteers. You can ask questions about it at:

Reporting issues

If you found an issue in TinySPARQL, a bug report at https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tinysparql/issues will be welcome. Please see the GNOME bug reporting guidelines for reported bugs.


Your contributions are greatly appreciated! TinySPARQL uses the Meson build system, so its general instructions apply to it. We recommend the use of meson devenv to test local changes without modifications to your system. If you want to test the changes more globally, we recommend installing into a Toolbx container, or using JHBuild to set up a development environment that does not modify your system.

Please follow the GNOME guidelines to contribute your changes upstream.